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Spring Fever, Garden Plans, and Ask me Anything!

Welp, it's barely turned March, and I'm already craving the sweet feeling of summer sun on my skin. Or spring sun. Or BOTH! *Sighs* I mentioned in my newsletter that it has been snowing here almost every day, and let's just say, I miss green. And it's not just me. I was talking to a friend of mine, explaining my spring-time woes of a desire for sun. Yeah, she's in the same boat as me. (Is it really a boat though if the water is frozen 😶. Okay, maybe we'll stick with the same dog sled. Those run on snow, right? 🤣)

But this is the first all-sun day we've had in weeks, and I am planning on taking advantage of it. As soon as I get done with this post, I'm heading outside with my book, and not coming in unless it starts snowing on me 🤣.

Let's start with a

Look Back at February

I talked a little about February in my latest newsletter, but for those of you that haven't read it, I shall give you a brief overview 😉

Early on in the month, I joined a fairytale writing challenge, brainstormed a Rapunzel retelling, and promptly backed out of the challenge. I really hated doing it, but I have so much going on in my life right now that I really couldn't commit to it and be able to keep up with it.

I signed up to join my favorite author's street team. Then, I waited. The form closed and I didn't hear back and thought for sure that I didn't get accepted. Then, the other day, I got on my email, and there was the email! I couldn't stop crying. Later, I found out that the author recognized my name on the form! Eep! So, keep an eye out later on this month for info about the author and book! 😁

I posted 5 times on my blog! If you missed any of them, you can check them out here:

I read . . . 5 books 😂. Which is just great because I totally didn't decide to read 365 books this year. 🤦‍♀️ What was I thinking?

I managed to go sugar-free for 26/28 days! Excepting those two days; the first one I was sick and had to have throat-lozenges, the other time I was congratulating myself at not being sick 😂. So, yes.

February Reads

Like I mentioned above, I literally read 5 books. But, nonetheless, I shall share about each of them here! (This'll be easy 😂.)

And, my personal favorite of the month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I can never seem to get enough of this book! I think this last time was . . . number 3? 4? Probably 4. 😂 What can I say, Wonderland was calling my name.

The Future

Other than reading a lot of books, I don't really have a lot of goals.

Except maybe writing 10,000 words.

Or working out more.

Or going on walks.

Ooh, and joining Spring100! 😂

Okay, maybe I have a few more than I thought. But wearing short sleeves and shorts are definitely on the list somewhere 😉. You know what, I do have more goals. 😂

Dye the ends of my hair. Don't ask me why, but I've always wanted to dye the tips of my hair. I think I just love the way it looks, or maybe the way it sets off. I also am determined to show that brunettes can dye their hair and actually see it! 😂 (Okay, to be fair, I've used a natural home-made hair-lightening concoction so the dye will bond and be see-able, but still.)

Read 20 books at least. I am literally at . . . .

dat many books. 😂 Which is, like . . . at least 5 books behind schedule last time I checked. Guess I need to get on it!

And speaking of reading, I also have a lot of books on my physical TBR that I'd really like to read this month! 😃

But, now that we're done talking about my deplorable lack of reading material last month, let's talk about

My Spring Garden Plan

I have lots of ideas for my garden plot this year. Mostly flowers. My idea is basically to create a super cute aesthetic/Pinterest worthy garden with lots of little cute flowers. Some of those flowers will probably be:

  • Baby's breath - Super cute, dainty little white flowers that are just the perfect accent flower to a bouquet.

  • Chamomile - Pretty much the easiest flower to grow ever. Seriously. Plus, they make the best-tasting tea 😋.

  • Snapdragons - I don't know why, but I just love these flowers. They come in so many different colors, and they just look so cool. They look like the type of flowers fairies would use to make a ballgown 🥰.

  • Zinnias - These things are a favorite at my house. So many different colors and sizes and shapes and just ah! So gorgeous! Especially polar-bear zinnias.

  • Probably lavender - I still have a few sprigs of last springs' lavender tied up with twine on a shelf of mine. (And yes, they still smell! 🥰) I love these and think they'd be super fun to grow too!

  • Carnations maybe - Another beautiful flower! I hope I can have some of these guys.

  • Yarrow - More cute, tiny flowers that are easy to grow and edible! 😃

I will probably end up having more after I go through my family's seed collection, but that's the gist of it! I really hope I can end up planting all of these guys 🤩.

Things I'm Looking Forward To

Technically, this could also be under the "The Future" category, but I thought it'd be fun to talk more about stuff I'm looking forward to for spring in general, not just about goals. I don't know why, but goals seem more like a chore board that you have to get done, and you don't exactly look forward to them. So, here's some things I'm looking forward to in the next several months:

  • The Cover of The Looking-Glass Illusion - I heard somewhere that it's going to be coming out soon! And I have a feeling it's going to be a good one! 🤩

  • The Spring100 Walking Challenge - I have participated in this challenge twice before; each time I got my goal of 100 miles, usually plus some! It's such a good way to get in miles, and gets me outside more.

  • Seize the Fight anthology! The people who brought you Seize the Night and Seize the Love are hosting another anthology! I'm thinking of some story ideas I could use, but still not sure. I'll let you know if I do end up submitting, though! 😉

  • Lots of writing webinars and zoom calls! I've got . . . . like, five. But they are all going to be awesome!

I think that's about it, but before I sign off, a little something special . . .

Ask Me Anything!

Tada! Sometime in April, I'd love to do a post answering any and all questions you have about me so you can get to know me better! You can comment your questions down below or fill out the form below! If there's a question you're not sure if you should ask or not, ask me anyway! I will only not answer if I feel the question is too personal or will make others uncomfortable :) Ask away!

I cannot wait to answer!

Well, I think that's about all for today. Thank you for joining me for this post! I had a lot of fun 😊.


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Image by Matias North
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I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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