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The Get to Know me Tag, Writers' Edition!


I have been tagged for my first ever tag challenge! I'm so excited to participate in the Get to Know Me Tag Challenge, Writers' Edition! :D So, thank you so, so much to Vonnie over at The Journey to Writer for tagging me! Well, let's get started, shall we?

the rules:

  • link back to the tag creator {That would be Savannah Grace}

  • thank the person who tagged you {Thank you, Vonnie!!!} share the tag graphic {optional}

  • tag 11 bloggers {which I don't think I can do XD}

vital stats & appearance:

(Pen) Name: Deigan Marie

Birthday: 🤐

Hair color and length: dark brown that fades to a more caramel as it goes down. It reaches my waist, and at the moment has blue coloring in the tips.

Eye Color: Blue.

Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: Not yet; nope; and nuh-uh.

Righty or Lefty: I'm right-handed, and proud of it 😇

Ethnicity: I'm an American with a little bit of a mixed background/heritage 😜


First Novel Written: It was a contemporary spy novel, set in New York City and followed a young adult who was trying to figure out who blew up what 🤭

First Novel Completed: It was a Peter Pan retelling that I actually completed a few NaNoWriMo's ago!

Award for Writing: None.

Publication: Not as of yet, but I have plans!!

Conference: Lord willing, it will be soon, but as of now, not yet!

Query/Pitch: I haven't even tried because I'm a little freaked out about it, BUT I hope to one day!


Genre: If you can please me with a Fantasy, hand it over; if not, then I'll stick with Historical Fiction, Contemporary, Medieval, or anything else that catches my eye. {But please. Try to please me with a fantasy!}

Author: Nadine Brandes/Sara Ella. I love both their writing styles, but there is no way I could pick just one!

Writing Music: Marigold Playlists is absolutely beautiful! 🤩

Time to Write: Early in the morning when no one else is up.

Writing Snack/Drink: Ooh... a nice, hot PSL and some nacho chips, or iced tea and fruit.

Movie: Pride and Prejudice; the 2005 edition, with Kiera Knightly.

Writing Memory: I was writing at my desk, and I looked up out the window. The sun was setting and cast vibrant rays of pink, yellow, and orange. The color splashed onto the nearby houses, and the mountains, and it just felt so... right. I felt like my writing was beautiful, and meaningful, and I just knew that this was what God wanted me to do.

Childhood Book: It's actually a poetry book called Plum. I grew up reading it, and I have so many wonderful memories of curling up with my mom as she read it to me, knowing all was right in the world.


Reading: Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery is the most current novel I am reading; however I am also chipping away at Emma by Jane Austen! Oh, and I am currently reading The Charlatan's Boy by Jonathon Rogers aloud to my little brother at night! So yes, quite busy in the reading department, why do you ask? 😂

Writing: A medieval story that I hope to share more of with y'all coming soon, as well as a fairytale retelling for a challenge this month!

Listening to: You're in the Last Romanov Royal Ball. Aka, an Anastasia playlist! 🤩

Watching: My sister and I recently found the last 2 seasons of a show we like called 'The Inspectors', and have been eating it up! We are also working on getting through 'Sue Thomas, F.B.I.' when we can! I am also trying to get back into watching more of Abbie Emmons's writing videos, as they are so informative and helpful with all things writing.

Learning: How to confuse people with exponents and negative signs 🤣


Want to be Published: Yes, please!!

Indie or Traditional: Lord willing, both!

Wildest Goal: Go skydiving {which will probably never happen because I'm deathly afraid of heights 😆}; but I'd also like to travel the world!


I'm honestly starting to doubt whether or not I can do all 11 tags... we shall see! {Also, if I end up tagging already tagged people, I am so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this tag like I should be!}

- Ava Coulter @ - Kate Willis Hoppman @

- Pearl Christine @

{Well, 5 isn't 11, but it's something!} And anyone else who wants to do it is more than welcome to!! 😄

That's about it for right now! Hope y'all had fun learning about me {to tell the truth, so did I! 😂}. If you end up doing it, let me know in the comments below! 👇 And if you don't have a blog, fill it out in the comments, or email me your answers!

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Feb 04, 2023

I loved getting to know more about you!!! I love Nadine Brandes and Sara Ella too, and the 2005 Pride and Prejudice is AMAZING! 😍😁

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Feb 06, 2023
Replying to

Aww, thank you, Saraina! 🤗 I had fun making it! 😄 Ooh, you do?! Cool beans! What are your favorite books by them?? 😃


Feb 03, 2023

This was so much fun, Deigan!! What a fun post! I may steal it to do sometime soon on my blog... We'll see. XD

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Feb 06, 2023
Replying to

Great! 😁


Bethany Griggs
Bethany Griggs
Feb 03, 2023

I enjoyed the tag, Deigan! And the Marigold Playlists looks really interesting! I hadn't heard of it and look forward to checking it out.

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Feb 03, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, Bethany! Yes, they are so pretty! I think you'll like them! <3

Image by Matias North
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I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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