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The Book Buff Blog Tag!

I like lots of things:

  • Cute animals

  • Editing

  • Drinking tea

  • Sitting in the sun

  • Listening to music

  • Singing said music (usually with earbuds in so I can sing and not have to hear myself 😜)

But if there's something that I love even more than everything above, it would be books.

Books are literally the best blend of everything above. I can read about cute little animals while editing someone's grammar and drinking tea in the sun while listening to music! 😁

And I am ever so grateful to M. L. Milligan for tagging me for her blog tag, The Book Buff Blog Tag. I won't keep you in suspense as to the extent of this beautiful tag, so let's get right into it!


Le rules

  1. Mention the creator, Mac (and link back to the original post 😉).

  2. Include the tag challenge graphic in your post.

  3. Shout out and link to whoever tagged you! That would also be Mac! Book Buff Blog Tag Challenge | Calling All My Book Worms! (

  4. Answer each book prompt. Please include a picture of the book if possible. You may go as in-depth as to your reason behind choosing the books as you like.

  5. Tag as many people as your heart so desires!

Your favorite

childhood book

How many of y'all saw this one coming? 😏 I always read this one growing up—or, more accurately, my mom read this to me. Every single one of the poems in here speaks to my two-, three-, four-, and even five-year-old heart. I still read this one, and I love it.

The Prettiest Cover

You've Ever Seen

I'm sorry, did I hear that wrong? Because I'm pretty sure the actual question would be "How many pretty covers have you seen?" And baby, I've seen lots. Above are just a few of the gorgeous covers I've seen in my lifetime. (I could probably keep you here forever if I wanted to, keeping you scrolling for days through the prettiest covers I've seen.) So, yes. Those are some of my favorite/pretty covers 😇 And, because I can't let pretty covers lie without doting on them, here's why:


Maybe it's the fact that the black and gold look amazing together, or just because I'm an Anastasia nut, but this cover is just gorgeous. I just adore it 🤩

The Girl Who Could See

Once you take a minute to look up-close at this cover, you realise how much dimension there is to it! I can't even begin to tell you everything, but my favourite thing about this is how much there is and how well they all blend.


This cover is, in one word, vivid. So many colours, and yet every single one of them goes with the others, beautifully paired fonts, and just AH! So pretty!


Just . . . beautiful. The way the sunset fades to blue, silhouetting *SPOILER* Peter and Claire *END SPOILER* as they fly off together, Big Ben, the bridge, the water, the font . . . 🤩 Even the hardcover underneath is just *chef's kiss* beautiful.


I seriously can't even begin to tell you. The colours, then elements hidden on the cover, the HOOK. Ack! I cannot wait till this baby is resting on my shelf in real life 😍


Again. There's just so much to this cover! Maybe it's the sparkles, maybe it's the blue (👀😏😇), maybe it's the butterfly that seems to dissipate into glitter and swirls as it journeys across the front. And, of course, the ship.

The Caraval Series

These are such simple covers, but they all match and look so similar in their own special and unique ways. (I'm making no sense, am I? 😂) I just, AH. Everything is just beautiful.

The Skyworld Duology

Okay, I'm going to be honest. The reason I love these covers are . . . the airships. *cough* Oh, you couldn't hear me? Terribly sorry. I said . . . the airships. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. I was just telling my mom the other day that airships are my favourite mode of fantasy transportation EVER! 🤩 But, yes. *Straightens imaginary tie* Airships. *Nods firmly*

The Selection Series

Even though I will likely never read this series (because of content I've heard is present), I do love the covers. I love how on each cover the girls are reflected in the shattered glass. And the ballgowns too! 🥰 Yes, I am geeking out over frilly ballgowns. 🤣 What can I say? I'm a princess at heart. 😇👑

Your favorite


Alice in Wonderland. Are we shocked? I didn't think so. Y'all know me: I'm an Alice nut. I even mentioned this in one of my other posts, My Top 5 Favorite Classics. So, yes. Definitely my all time favorite. (And I include Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There as well 😉).

A comfort


This story is just so sweet. It's pretty short, and when I need a good pick-me-up book to read, I go to this. It literally is about a thirty minute read for me, but it still is just so sweet and adorable. Very comforting, if you know what I mean 😉

A book you've been

dying to get your hands on

Hardy Boys meets Indiana Jones? YES PLEASE!

Plus, I mean, look at that cover! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

A book that's been on

your TBR so long it

should start paying rent

This baby has been on my TBR since before I was even on GoodReads! 😂 I actually decided to finally start looking into it more, and am currently scrounging for book money 😜

A book with your

favorite color

I have never read Coral, but it's been on my TBR for a while. But, may I just say, look at that cover!!! Typically, I like a more . . . "blue-er" blue, but I love me a good sea-green/blue type of color, and this cover certainly fits the bill.











Yeah, we really didn't think I could get away with just one, did we?

I didn't think so. 😇

A book someone

made you read

Okay, technically, my sister didn't make me read this book, but she loved it so much and talked about it so often that I finally decided to give it a go. *Enter sobbing noises* I knew I would need more tissues than that 😭.

A book with the most

relatable MC

you've ever read

I've read lots of books in my life. 436 according to GoodReads (*cough* phony *cough*). And . . . for some reason, Alice Liddell was just the one I resonated most with. I totally get her train of thoughts, the way she reacts, and even her likes/dislikes. So, yes. Alice.

A book written by your

favorite auto-buy author

Okay, here me out. Because this is going to sounds very . . . bad.

I have favorite authors: Nadine Brandes, Sara Ella, Kara Swanson, Angie Thompson, P.D. Atkerson, you get the idea.

BUT . . .

I don't really have an auto-buy author. Because I don't always read all books written by my favorite authors. So, the truth it, I can't truly answer this question the way it deserves to be answered, so I will say the next book I am automatically buying is The Looking-Glass Illusion by Sara Ella. 😉


♥Ava Coulter @

♣Anyone else who so desires @ 😉

Well, that was rather enjoyable! 😁 I had lots of fun doing the tag, and getting to share all these gorgeous covers with y'all. If any of you decide to do the tag, please let me know! 😃

Have you read any of the books above? Do any of them look good to you? What's are some of your answers to the questions above? I'd love to know!


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댓글 6개

Ava Coulter
Ava Coulter
2023년 3월 17일

Aww, this post is so much fun!! Thanks so much for the tag! 🥰 The Out of Time Trilogy has been on my TBR for SO long too... XD I'm currently out of book money, but I can't wait to own it!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
2023년 3월 18일
답글 상대:

You are so welcome! I can't wait to see what you do! 🤩 LOL, same with me 🤣 Let ,me know if you end up reading and liking them! 😁


2023년 3월 17일

Ugh! I want to read Mammoth SO bad!!! 🤩 If you read it before I do let me know what you think!! And... Now I feel bad for stealing your comfort read. 🤣 Well, not stealing because I am sending it back one of these days. It's just taking me longer than planned to read through the books y'all let me borrow!! 🙈 I feel bad.

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
2023년 3월 17일
답글 상대:

I know, right?! Hehe, will do! And you do the same for me! XD Awww, don't feel bad! I'm totally glad to let you read it! Please don't feel bad!! 💙💙💙


2023년 3월 17일

This was a great post! I have many of the same books on my TBR list!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
2023년 3월 17일
답글 상대:

Aw, thank you! Ooh, cool!

Image by Matias North
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I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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