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The Coronation Ball by Melanie Cellier

Title: The Coronation Ball

Author: Melanie Cellier

Genre: Medieval Fantasy

My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Hanna knows all about hard work. For years she’s labored to complete her apprenticeship and become a pastry chef. Driven from her home once before, she’s willing to endure whatever it takes to keep her position in the palace kitchens of Northhelm.

But when she finally has a chance for all her dreams to come true, everything goes wrong. In danger of losing both her future as a pastry chef, and the man she’s loved for years, Hanna will have to decide if she’s ready to fight for herself, as well as for Stefan.


Achem *regains composure*

This is the 2.2 novelette in the Four Kingdoms Series. It comes in between The Princess Fugitive and Happily Ever Afters (A novella!). It is a Cinderella retelling, and oh my heart, y'all. It's good.

Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Hanna is a female pastry chef apprentice (say that five times fast 🤭). She has worked so, so hard to prove herself in the royal kitchens. But, when the truth is finally revealed about Stefan, she is going to lose him... and her apprenticeship.

“Midnight!” ~The Coronation Ball, Melanie Cellier


- Hanna - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Awww, Hanna!! This poor girl has been through so much. Run out of her home country. Losing her brother. And yet, through it all, she never once complains, and is always a light to those around her.

- Stefan - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Oh, this kid. Just saying, he's all mine 😉. He is so sweet, and the perfect thing for Hanna. He's her outlet... one she desperately needs.

- Brianna - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐She gets five stars for being the worst person alive!! She is so mean to Hanna, and takes all the credit, and is... just... UGH! Someone please tell me I'm not the only what that is quite peeved at her. 😂


- Master Girard - ⭐ Terrible, terrible guy. End of story. *Slams gavel* But, he's actually a really well-written bad guy.! So, kudos to Mrs. Cellier for creating a very good bad guy.

“You deserve better than this.” ~The Coronation Ball, Melanie Cellier

Romance: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Aww, the ROMANCE! By far, my favoritest part of the story 😉. There was a kiss (*spoiler* between Hanna and Stefan *end spoiler*), but it wasn't that detailed. They hugged a few times, and there was, "romantic feelings," between the two of them. They were alone a couple of times too, and they (*spoiler* danced together *end spoiler) at the end.

Content Warnings: There is slight magical content (*spoiler* where a Godmother comes and transforms Hanna *end spoiler*). And a character (*spoiler* Brianna *end spoiler*) threatens to (*spoiler* poison Stefan *end spoiler*), but said person never actually goes through with it.

Age Range: 10+ This book was super sweet, and i honestly would feel absolutely fine with my little sibling reading this on his own.

My Thoughts: If you like medieval fantasy, get this book. If you don't like medieval fantasy, get this book. Seriously. This book is such a beautiful, sweet, well-written story, that I feel like I'm coming home to Hanna and Stefan when I read this. Words cannot describe how utterly beautiful this book was. Just, go read.

"Where can I get this awesome book?":

Great question! *grins*

Add it to your Goodreads! (If you haven't already, of course 😉) -> The Coronation Ball by Melanie Cellier | Goodreads <-

Then go buy it! (Or maybe do that first...) -> The Coronation Ball by Melanie Cellier <-

And check out Melanie's website! (And subscribe to her newsletter!) -> Melanie Cellier <-

There's my review of one of the best books ever written! Now, GO READ IT!



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Dec 19, 2022

Great book review!!! I absolutely loved this book and thought it was the sweetest thing ever! I'm in love with Hanna and Stefan's story!! And I agree with you one hundred percent on Justin. -_- UGH!!! But Master Girard had a good heart in the end... kind of. XD I sort of liked him, but he was definitely bad... I have mixed feelings here. XD

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Mar 17, 2023
Replying to

LOL! Yes, totally get ya there! XD I was glad Master Girard was nicer to her at the end, but still *shivers* ARH! I detested Justin's guts 😝

Image by Matias North
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