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Peek into My Soul | The My Life in Books Tag

While staring at my computer screen trying to come up with a good idea for a blog post this week, it suddenly hit me that it's been way too long since I've done a blog tag. And then I saw that the lovely Bella Raine had done this tag on her blog, and knew I just had to do it! I hope you guys enjoy. 🥰

Find a book for each of your initials

momentarily doubts my initials Ah, here we go! For D I choose Dearest Joesphine by Caroline George.

And for M, I have Mooses with Bazookas by S. D. Smith.

And then M again for my last name . . .

The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart!

Count your age along your bookshelf: What book is it?

#hardestquestionever 😆 My bookshelves aren't arranged like a normal bookshelf with straight uppy-down, vertical books all in a row. I have books stacked on top of books, books laying horizontal, books with a cover out, spine out, cover out type of layout. Needless to say, it took me a fair amount of time to land on the right number.

This book, guys . . . it tore me to pieces. I stayed up till almost one in the morning finishing it and was crying by the end. I actually preordered The Nightmare Virus back after the cover released, and the amount of restraint it took to wait for my preorder goodies before reading this baby was astronomical.

Pick a book set in your city or country

I'm cheating on this one, and choosing one set in a country that is in my heritage.

The Maid of Ballymacool by Jennifer Deibel. This is a Cinderella retelling set on the moors of Ireland and ohhhh my word, you guys. It is beautiful. All the Gaelic and descriptions were stunning! (And yes, if you were wondering, I'm part-Irish. 😉😎)

Pick a book that represents a destination you’d love to travel to

The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella. This has a double meaning for me. Yes, I've always dreamed of living in London for a year and travelling all around Europe . . . but I also adore Wonderland. And if at all possible, I wish I could travel there. <3

Pick a book that’s your favorite color

This one . . . is really hard. I have soooo many favorite colors. Light pink and cottage green and mint blue and cerulean sea and sunset yellow and literally anything pastel. So I chose a book that I haven't read yet, but whose cover makes me smile every time I see it.

Vivid by Ashley Bustamante. Doesn't this cover just scream "happy"? 🥰💛

Which book do you have the fondest memories of?

Now, hear me out on this one! I'm not a Narnia gal. I read it a few years back, and really wasn't a fan. But The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was a book I remember reading with my mom. If memory serves me correctly, I was about five when she first pulled out a gigantic copy of all the Narnia books and started reading it to me. We never got more than two or three chapters in, but I remember sitting on the couch with a blanket on my lap, listening to the story and seeing Lucy and Edmund and Peter and Suzan and Mr. Tumnus and the White Witch all come alive in my mind. And for that, I will always have fond memories of this book. <3

Which book do you have the most difficulty reading?

😬😬 Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I started this y.e.a.r.s ago and never finished it . . . to be fair I was also, like twelve when I tried to read it, so I shall have to try again now that I've got three other Austens under my belt. 😁

What book on your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it?

This book is actually releasing on November 1 (EEEEEEK!!!) and I've already preordered it! Insider info tells me . . . it's a behemoth - double the size of the other books in the series. It's also a Rapunzel-meets-Robin-Hood story so of course I'm all in. But I happen to love big books, and the fact that this one is written by one of my all-time favorite authors is a huge plus. I can't wait to get mine in!

Le Taggies


That's if for today, y'all! I had so much fun doing this tag, and I hope you guys had fun reading it. 😊 I'd love to see y'all's answers - and if you don't have a blog, just answer them in the comments down below! 👇 If you do have a blog and want to do this tag, make sure to email me or comment the link on this post! <3

What was your favorite answer? What is your favorite childhood read? What's the biggest book you've ever read (I'm working on Moby Dick, wish me luck!)? I'd really love to know! <3



Bella Raine
Bella Raine
Aug 30, 2024

Eeee, I'm SO glad you did this tag Deigan!! Your answers were all so lovely!! <33

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Aug 31, 2024
Replying to

Aw, thank you so much, Bella! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. <3

Image by Matias North
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I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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