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Nail Polish and Pressed Flowers | My Spring Bucket List

I have made a resolution for this blog. Want to know what it is? To make it more aesthetic. Why? Well, when I read a blog, I love to have my senses pleased (and by that, I mean appearance—not the smell XD). And I realised my blog doesn't do that—at least not for me. SO. In an effort to be more aesthetically rounded (is that a thing? XD), I decided to do a spring bucket list—and not just any ol' bucket list, no, no, Toto. This is an aesthetic bucket list—which is just as good, if not better 😉.

I first saw this idea over at I Feel Like a Fairy (which is a great blog, you should go check it out). I had already been wanting to do something like that for a while, but when I saw her recent post "aesthetic things to do this spring {romanticizing spring}", I knew I had to do it.

Let's get to it, shall we?



This one is pretty simple, so I thought that 'd start with that. I'm thinking either a light pink or maybe a soft yellow. Then again, a nice green would look pretty too. 😂 Ooh! Or maybe a baby blue. XD Yes, I'm very indecisive. Ah, I've got it. I'll paint each nail a different color! 🤭 I'm a genius! 😇


I just planted my beautiful garden the other day, and I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I think I ended up planting Chamomile, Yarrow, Snap Dragons, Anise, Dragon Tongue Beans, and carrots. Oh yeah, and Ice Queen Lettuce and Scarlet Kale. But I'm mostly excited for the flowers. 😉

I have a really pretty notebook that a friend gave me for my birthday a few years back that I've been saving for something cool, and I decided that pressing flowers would be a great idea! It has really cool brown pages and it gives me such beautiful spring vibes. 🥰 Plus, I'm reading about Emily Dickinson in school right now, and she was a huge advocate for flower-pressing, so that's always a plus. 😉


Yes, I have technically already been doing this, but I love to purposely get myself to go out and take a walk to take a walk. Not just to get miles. Not just to take the dogs out. But to enjoy the beauty of spring and the wonders of my beautiful world. Plus, it's great way to get out. 😉


We have a beautiful cherry tree in our back yard for just such purposes as climbing trees and scraping knees (yes, I stole that from a movie XD). I've already climbed it several times this year, but I mean, what's better than climbing it for the sole purpose of marking it off my bucket list? XD



'Cause who doesn't want to eat seven times in a day and run around barefoot? 🤭 I have the most perfectest (is that a word? XD) skirt to wear too—my mom and sister made it for me, and it has mushroom fabric, and greens, and pinks, and blues, and is sooo pretty. *swoons* I might never go back to normal again! 🤣


I love sunrises. I just love waiting in my backyard and waiting for the sun to spill over the mountains and bathe the valley in beautiful light. And I would love to be up waiting for that beauty. I'll grab my coffee, steal away outside, and maybe sit on the roof. (Okay, or maybe not. XD) And wait. It'll be worth it, I know. 😍


Now, here's where I could go on the roof. Lie on my back and gaze at the Big Dipper? Yes, please! I love stars and astronomy, so this is a really big one for me. And, where I live, there aren't big city streetlights (well, okay, there are those really pesky streetlamps that shine into my window sometimes, but I can't see them on the roof!), so I can see so. many. stars! It'll eb beautiful! *grabs astronomy book* Let's do dis.



Okay, this technically isn't very spring related . . . or really, aesthetic in any way, but it IS on my bucket list, SO IT GOES. First, let's start with a riddle. What do you get when you put together an aerialist, a metal pole, and swing set? IF any of you guessed a makeshift trapeze bar, you'd be right XD. Seriously, though. I made my own trapeze in my back yard. I get hit in the face with nostalgia every time I use it, remembering all the circuses I would put on for my parents in my back yard. Hehe, guess I'll have to put on another for them, this time with a real-life aerialist. *Starts humming "Rewrite the Stars"*


My dear, dear sister, I have you to blame for this one. XD My sister reads The Secret Garden every spring, and she rubbed off on me. Now, I NEED to read it, or it doesn't even feel like spring at ALL! Then, after I finish reading it, I will immediately go and watch the movie (the 1993 version, if you please 😉).

Well, there's my first attempt at a fun aesthetic post. What did y'all think? 😂 Did you like it?

Have you ever used a trapeze? Should PERFECTEST be a word? What color should I paint my nails? Do you like sunrises? What about astronomy? Do you like Secret Garden? do you like going on walks? Comment down below and let me know! <3


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18 kommentarer

Okänd medlem
25 apr. 2023

As a graphic designer I love this!!! *steals idea for my blog* Also the new blog look is gorgeous. <3

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
25 apr. 2023

Hmm, it says Deisree Flaming for me!


23 apr. 2023

These are such great goals!!! I've been meaning to do something like this. 🥰 I've been enjoying spring so, so much! It's my favorite time of the year!!!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
23 apr. 2023

Aw, thank you! I had so much fun writing it! Ooh, please do! That'd be so fun to see! Yesss, isn't it just lovely? 😍🥰


Ava Coulter
Ava Coulter
21 apr. 2023

Ah such a lovely (and aesthetic) post! *dreamy sigh* Reading The Secret Garden is on my bucket list too as I'm thinking about writing a fantasy retelling of it for NaNoWriMo. And stargazing!! Ahh... I did that the other night and it was so lovely. Such a fun post, Deigan! (Also, being a Hobbit for an entire day? Yes please! I'll join you ;))

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
23 apr. 2023

Aww, thank you, Ava! <333 Oh my goodness, YOU'RE WRITING A SECRET GARDEN RETELLING?!?!? *enter fangirlish squeals and screaming* Heck yes, girl!! I must have this story 🥰 (LOL, let's do it. 😁)


21 apr. 2023

I absolutely LOVE this post! SO aesthetic. <3 Also, I have a fix for you. :D Paint your nails more than once and change colors every single time. ;) I pressed tons of flowers last year and I can't wait for more to bloom so I can start again. Looks like a lovely bucket list, Deigan! Have a beautiful spring!! <333

~ Pearl @

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
21 apr. 2023

Aww, thank you! *giggles* Hehe, great idea! ;P I shall have to do that! :D Ooh, pretty! *waits for flowers to bloom* Thank you, and same to you! <33


Saraina Whitney
Saraina Whitney
21 apr. 2023

Ack, this was so lovely!!! Your bucket list sounds SO FUN!! Star-gazing...ah, I need to do that, since I live in the country and there are no bright lights around at night. 😍 And a makeshift trapeze - that is the coolest thing ever!!! *hums Rewrite the Stars with you*

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
21 apr. 2023

Aw, thank you so much, Saraina! Eep, I'm so glad you liked it! Yessss, it is! I'm getting callouses everywhere, but it's worth it XD

Image by Matias North
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