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I Made My Own Book Tag! | The Spring Fever Book Tag + A Special Announcement

Yes, you read that title right.

I made my own book tag!

*does a quick little happy dance*

As you might also have read, I have an announcement, which I will share at the end of this post. 😉 Okay? Great! Then let's get on with it!

what is your favourite spring book?

Most definitely The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgeson Burnett. A friend got me started on the tradition of reading this book every spring, and I love that tradition. I have an old copy from my aunt, but I've been looking for a beautiful, lovely copy like the one I chose the picture of. 🥰

what are the top three books on your spring tbr?

Can I say I love this quesiton if it's my own? 😏 But seriously, I love getting a chance to share about books I want to read! The top three ones I want to tackle this season are:

  1. A Lady's Guide to Marvels and Misadventures by Angela Bell Okay, but this just sounds like so. Much. Fun. You had me at the cover, what with the adorable title and all the steampunk elements. 🤩

  2. Eye of the Storm by Karynn Heckler This one is actually releasing on March 23, and I absolutely cannot wait to read it. I mean, look at that cover! That's all the encouragement I need. 🥰

  3. A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes Yes, I'm finally going to get to this book! I've been wanting to for years. (Not even kidding.) And I know several of y'all just squealed when I said that title, so yay! I'm hopefully going to read it!

what is your most anticipated spring release?

Ooh, okay, this was actually the hardest one of all these questions. (Deigan, why do you have to ask yourself impossible questions like this?!) Can I cheat and say Eye of the Storm? No? Okay then. I'll have to go with The Luminous Life of Lucy Landry by Anna Rose Johnson. I mean, look at that cover! 🤩

how do you decorate your bookshelves for spring?

Another good question! *applauds myself* Right now my bookshelves have gaps in them or I'd take a photo, but my main decor is an adorable little ceramic fairy/mushroom house separating my Tales of Tarsurella from my historicals. There's four little wood disks that look like stepping stones scattered in front of it, and it's just so cute, especially when my fairy lights are on. 🥰

what is your favourite spring movie?

Because I had to ask. 😉 This is also me cheating again because I made that tag so I CAN! But . . . The Secret Garden. The 1993 version. (Although, there is a newer, steampunk version that I've been dying to watch too. 😍)

what is your favourite spring drink to read with?

*sips drink* English Breakfast tea. 💕 There is no competition. (Ooh, although I do love my iced blueberry and lavender tea . . .)

what is a book about fresh starts?

Am I just asking all these questions to get more book recs? 👀 Yes. Yes, I am. 😆 Just based on the back cover, this sounds like fresh starts would be an important part of this story. *nods* Also, this cover is making me hungry. 🤭

what is a cottagecore book?

There is no competition. 🥰 None at all.


You and you and you and . . . YOU! Seriously, anyone and everyone can do this tag. In fact, please do! And if you don't have a blog, comment your answers below! 😊

Well, I think that's it for now. Thanks for - oh wait. I did say something about an announcement, didn't I? Well then, here it is . . .









































I'm hosting my own writing retreat!!!


Yes, that's right! Yours truly is going to be hosting a Spring Writing Retreat, open to any- and everyone who wants to step back from the daily bustle of life and get words written. It's called Whimsical Souls Spring Writing Retreat, and you can sign up for it HERE! Thank you so much! 😘

What did you think of my book tag? Are you planning on joining my writing retreat? What is your favourite spring book? Who else can't wait for the warmer seasons? 🤩 I'd really love to know! <3



Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Apr 09, 2024
Replying to

Aw, yay! I loved it! 🤩 Thank you so much!


Mar 08, 2024

Fun! Can't wait for the retreat! ~Kearra

Image by Matias North
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I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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