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How to Find More Reading Time | A Blog Re-Post

Is it just me, or as the days grow longer and the urge to go outside grows stronger, the time to read . . . lessens? Depressing, right? *sobs* I know. And as someone who has decided to read 365 books in a year . . . that's not a good thing. *winces*

But what can we do about this atrocity called "no reading time"? Well, I have the answer! *flaps cape* My dear friend Allyson Jamison did a post about this very thing on her blog recently, and it was so lovely, I had to share it here too. 🥰

Take it away, Allyson!

I know not all writers are readers (which still seems insane to me!), but a lot of us are. And for those who are, it can be hard to find time for this favorite past time. Life gets in the way. Writing takes over our time. And reading gets pushed aside.

It’s sad… but true. For me, it’s been pushed aside a lot lately. So a friend and I decided to switch that problem around and create a challenge this month to read twenty books. Yeah… I know that’s a lot. But we may have made a bet out of it sooooo… yeah, I plan to complete this challenge if it’s the last thing that I do. XD

But I’ve actually really enjoyed this challenge and it’s barely even started! Not only because it’s forcing me to read way more than I had been, but because it’s teaching me that it’s not as hard to find reading time as you might think. Don’t believe me? Keep reading for my top tips.

#1: Cut back on screen time

I know you saw this coming. You might be groaning because you’re tired of this being the magic answer to everything (sometimes I am too). But I can’t help how much it’s helped me.

I don’t even spend that much time on my phone… or so I thought. But when I make a conscious effort to be on it even less, the difference is insane. I read a post on Instagram about how even if you only spend an hour or two a day on your phone, by the end of the month that could add up to 60 hours! Imagine if you spent all that time reading… all the books you could have read!

Next time you go to pick up your phone stop yourself and ask whether you really need to get on it right now. Could you be doing something else instead? Like, I don’t know… reading??

#2: Always have one handy

This may go without saying, but always have a book on you. Okay, maybe there are a few instances when you don’t necessarily need to take a book with you… none are coming to mind right now but I’m sure there are a few. But really, if you have one handy then you are that much more likely to read it.

On car rides, in the mornings, when you go camping, while you’re waiting in a long line at the store. Seriously, you can read whenever. Sure it’s nice to have set reading times, but that’s not always practical. Don’t not read simply because your planned time got used up doing something else. Read wherever you are! A few minutes here and there can add up to a lot of reading time!

#3: What can you cut back on?

Like screentime, sometimes there are things in our life that can be cut back on to make time for other things we wish we had more time for. (Wow. That was a complicated sentence.)

For me, it was movies. A lot of evenings my family enjoys sitting down and relaxing with a nice Hallmark movie. It’s nice, it’s relaxing, it’s a great way to end the day. But it’s also very time consuming.

It’s pretty amazing how much I can get done if I don’t join movie time in the evenings. That’s actually a large reason of how I’m staying on track this month with this reading goal. Find the thing in your life that you can cut back on and you’ll be amazed by how much time you have to spend doing things you really love. It may seem like a small thing, but when those small things add up it becomes a lot of time.

Now, that being said, I still watch movies. I’m not saying don’t ever do this thing again. But do I need to watch a movie every evening? That’s where the question lies. Add up how much time you spend on things like this and you’ll be amazed. Now imagine if you spend all that time reading… pretty amazing, right?

Your turn!

Are you a serious bookworm? Do you struggle to find time for it? What things can you cut back on in your life to find more time for reading?

Blessings, Allyson


Hey there! My name is Allyson Jamison and I’m here to show writers and fellow creators that there is a unique method out there just for them. In our society, people are expected to fit into tiny little boxes, complete with a label and all. But when it comes to your writing journey, there is no box or label with your name on it.

I’m here to encourage each and everyone of you to fight the good fight and finish the race. Even when you want to give up. Even when you don’t feel good enough. Even when you want to curl up in bed and forget you were ever a writer.

Don’t give up.

There is hope.


Thank you so much for all these lovely tips, Allyson! I'm definitely going to start implementing them. 🥰

What did you think of Allyson's tips? Have you checked out her amazing blog yet? (You should.) Are you searching for reading time too? What are you reading right now? What are some things YOU do to make time for reading? I'd love to know! <3


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Laura Boone
Laura Boone
Jun 27, 2023

This post came at the perfect time for me! Thanks, Allyson!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 28, 2023
Replying to

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3


Micah {SGL} Collier
Micah {SGL} Collier
Jun 27, 2023

Aw, this is brilliant, and I totally agree with screen time. I also love those impractical tips about reading at anytime, I never considered that! I used to read at the cash register while waitin' for customers. I also would write a bit. I dunno why I slacked off.

Just brilliant, you guys. 💯

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 28, 2023
Replying to

Yes, it's a great post, isn't it? Ah, that's a great idea! I should try that. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3


Jun 23, 2023

Thanks for reposting this, Deigan!! 🤗 Ack, I'm reading SO many books right now!! 😂 My current nonfiction read is Fervent by Priscilla Shirer but I'm also reading Counterfeit Love by Crystal Caudill, Stay With Me by Becky Wade, rereading The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella, and so much more! Seriously, the line up of books I have right now as well as the massive stack beside my bed is insane. 🤣 I love it!!!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 23, 2023
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You're welcome! 🤗 Ooh, so many good books! XD Ack, I know that feeling! I have a stack of five on my bookshelf. 👀 It's a little daunting at times . . .


Jun 23, 2023

This was super helpful! It was exactly what I needed to see today because I’m in the midst of getting my schedule and priorities back in order, and getting back on screen time. Thanks!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 23, 2023
Replying to

Aw, I'm so glad you liked it! <3 I wish you luck!

Image by Matias North
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