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My Favorite Blog Posts of Others | Blog Post Spotlight

Hello, hello, and welcome back! It's a beautiful spring day out here, complete with blooming flowers, sun filtering in through the window in front of me, and birds hanging out at the feeder we put out for them. It's so lovely. 🥰 What's the weather like where you are?

I'm excited to be doing something a little different for today's post. I decided that I was going to spotlight some of my favorite posts on other young writers' blogs. I have a lot, so be prepared. 😉

Some of these are writing related, some are spring/summery posts, and some are just for fun, because why not. <3

disclaimer: these are not listed in any particular order, and i cannot vouch for all the content on all of these blogs. <3

1 | How to Skyrocket Your Inspiration and CONQUER Writer's Block (In 3 Easy Steps)

WRITER'S BLOCK. Every writer deals with this from time to time. It's easy to feel stuck and doubt our writing whenever it strikes, but what if every time you felt your creative well running dry, there were practical steps you could take to refuel yourself? Writer's Block usually hits me when I'm low on mental energy and inspiration. In this post, I'll share the THREE-STEP PROCESS I like to call the Reflect Refresh Renew Method. This exercise has pulled me out of writing ruts many times, and I hope it can do the same for you!


2 | Writing Masterclass: Insta Love

Let’s talk about a famous trope in writing and stories. Insta Love (or “Love At First Sight”).

To be honest with you, I do not like this trope. Why? Because most times I see this trope done, it is not true love. It is like or attraction at first sight. Two strangers meet and are physically attracted to each other and call it “love” the end. NO! That is not love. Love is a beautiful deep abiding thing and it is not strictly attraction (though attraction can help start it, it is not sustainable).

The Bible describes love as…


3 | Three Tips for Balancing Life with Writing

Something that has been on my heart a lot lately and what I’ve been trying desperately to implement within my own life is balance. As well as learning how to live life without squirreling away so much of my time writing. Because when I write I feel like I should be living life, and when I’m living life I feel like I should be writing . . .

I don’t have all the answers yet and I may never have them all. But I see that something needs to change in my life. Not only in my own, but all writers. We need to realize that just because we want to accomplish our dreams, that doesn’t mean we have to give up on life! In fact, you will only have stories to tell from living life.


4 | What Not to Do as a Beginner Writer

We all started somewhere, right? 😉 We were all beginners at some point in our lives (unless you’re one of those people who seem to just be born knowing everything. Congratulations, human. You’re a rare and envied breed).

I remember when I started my journey to writer hood. I went haywire researching, looking up authors, stalking their blogs, taking each and every bit of information they said to heart. I had notebooks and random pages covered in multicolored notes and reminders and she said this and he said don’t forget that.

Eager. I was very eager.


5 | In Which we List Books with Springy Vibes

hello, dear friends, and welcome back to the fairy hollow!

i don’t know about you, but spring is one of my favorite times of the year, especially early spring, when it’s rainy and cool and the flowers are blooming and the baby animals are being born. it’s such a lovely time of year and i love looking out my window to the green trees right outside.

in celebration of this lovely season, i have decided to make a list of some of my favorite books with lovely spring vibes. so let’s get started!


6 | 10 Ways to Have a Productive, Memorable, Scrapbook Worthy Summer

There are few things more exciting than the beginning of summer, when there’s a promise of things to come, and an exciting sense of fresh starts in the air, and every school student lets out a sigh of relief, because it’s finally time to just rest. Summer is like an entire season of Sabbath, where we get a break before another school year starts again. It’s so easy though, to find yourself at the end of summer, exhausted and drained, realizing you wasted the entire season lying on the couch, binging Boy Meets World (okay, that might just be a me thing 😂). Which is why I figured I’d write this post, not just to help you guys make the most of your summers, but also to help myself.

I’ll definitely be referencing this post throughout the summer (:

Read the full post here:


7 | Involving God in The Little Things

I took all of last week– May 7-13– and decided that I wouldn’t be spending any time on my online writing community. I figured it was time for a little step back to rest + refresh.

So, I had a lot more spare time than usual. No critique group co-leader responsibilities (we were on break), no welcome assignments, no having to constantly log on to manage spam (or, as we call it, “smap”!)– nothing like that. I was completely justified to take a break.

As I went throughout my “rest week”, I decided to take the time that I would’ve spent on my community, and hang out with God instead. And that’s exactly what I did.

Read the full post here:


8 | 4 Useful Tips for Writing Relatable Character Arcs

Hello there, and Goodmorning!

Today I’m talking about How To Write Relatable Character Arcs! One of my favorite things, and yet, one of the most challenging!

Today, I’m going to give you four tips on character arcs! *smiles*

Read the full post here:

Well, that's it for today, folks! I had a lot of fun doing this. Y'all should really go and check out some of these guys' blogs. They're amazing! <3

Should I do more posts like this in the future? What was your favorite post? What is YOUR favorite blog? What's the weather like where you're at? I'd love to know! <3



Jun 11, 2023

Hello! I love this post so much! I can’t believe I’m only now finding your beautiful blog! <3

Thank you so much for mentioning one of my blog posts! That made my day! 🥰


Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 12, 2023
Replying to

Aw, thank you so much! 🥰 That makes me so happy! Aw, you are SO welcome. I love your blog so much! <3


Laura Boone
Laura Boone
Jun 05, 2023

These sound really great and I'm really excited to read them! Thank you so much for sharing this, it's such a good idea for a blog post. I love your blog, girl!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 07, 2023
Replying to

Aw, you're so welcome, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun making it. Aw, thank you so much!! That means so much to me. <3


Ava Coulter
Ava Coulter
Jun 03, 2023

I LOVE this list! I'll have to bookmark it because I need to come back and read all of these posts! And aww, girl, thanks so much for mentioning my blog <3

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 03, 2023
Replying to

Aw, thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it! LOL, of course, girl!! <33


Leah Currier
Leah Currier
Jun 02, 2023

Thanks so much for mentioning my blog, Deigan!< 3

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 03, 2023
Replying to

You're welcome!!! <3


Saraina Whitney
Saraina Whitney
Jun 02, 2023

These are all incredible posts!!! Thank you for sharing them!!!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Jun 02, 2023
Replying to

Aw, you're welcome! I'm so glad you liked it! <3

Image by Matias North
Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

Keep updated on my latest posts!

Thanks for joining the tribe!

Deigan Marie © 2023
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