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Hello, World!

Oh! *Looks up from reading a book* Hi! *Shoves aside pile of books and sets down mug*

Welcome to my castle! This is the place I hang out, talk about my writing, and post new content each week. Thanks for stopping by!

Before we continue, there's one thing you should know about me:

I tend to jump from topic to topic, my only rhythm being I don't have one. So, proceed with caution!

Now that that's put of the way, let's get to know each other!

I've been writing for... as long as I could remember. I've always had fun sticking characters in trees (figuratively, of course 😉) and then trying to get them down. That being said, when I was first starting out, the ladders I built for them weren't very secure. But over the years, I have come to terms with my writing style (and my ladder-distributer, thank goodness) and have improved my writing-craft immensely.

Now, even though I've always enjoyed stories, it wasn't till I was around 11 that I really saw writing as a possible career for me. That was because of my sister. She found out about National Novel Writing Month (which takes way too long to type, so I'll call it NaNoWriMo 😉). And being the supportive little sister that I am, I decided to do it too. After some research, though, we decided that the official Camp NaNo wasn't write for us (get it? 🤭). Then, we found The King's Daughters' Writing Camp, which turned out to be a blessing from above. There, I finished my first novel, found lots of great authors, and met my very best friend (you know who you are, E!!)!

Now, I am still apart of the KDWC, as well as the Young Writers' Workshop (shout-out to all you awesome people there!!), where I also found new authors, and made another best friend (you also know who you are, K!).

It has been so amazing to see God work through communities like the KDWC and the YWW and bring me all these book ideas and show me a beautiful way to tell the world about Him. I now have multiple books written, my dream publisher planned out, and the assurance that this is what God wants me to do.

So, come along. Join me, on this crazy journey called life, and experience the road's twists, turns, and amazing surprises with me. You never know what you may discover along the way.

And remember that only you can write your story.

Tallyho for now,


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Nov 02, 2022

You are so lovely ❤️

John 8:12

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Nov 02, 2022
Replying to

Aww, thank you <3

Image by Matias North
Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

Keep updated on my latest posts!

Thanks for joining the tribe!

Deigan Marie © 2023
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