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All Your Questions Answered!

Well, I was supposed to post this last month, and look where we're at now. 😑 At least I'm doing it now! 🤣 This is a really long post, so I do NOT blame you for skipping around/not reading it all the way. Like, at all. With that being said, let's get to it!

~life and such~

What would you do if you had an entire day to yourself?


If I was at my house by myself, I would probably wake up early and write for a few hours, then proceed to have a dance-off with me, myself, and I, read as many books as I can, and sing music at the top of my lungs through a hairbrush microphone. I would also probably snuggle with my kitty; make at least four cups of tea and drink them at intervals; take a three-hour long bath (complete with bubbles and more music 😜); and watch Pride and Prejudice with popcorn, snacks, and another cup of tea (or possibly treat myself to a mocha 😉).

BUT, if I was able to go wherever I wanted, I'd go to the nearest city and visit bookstores, coffee shops, thrift stores, and then park under a shady tree with ice cream and . . . write. Or read 😂. I'm not picky! And it'd be fun to go to a movie theatre!

Dream vacation?


Ooh, good question! Probably . . . either to a cute cabin in the middle of the woods up north, to Disneyland (I've been once before when I was really little and would die to go again!), or to Russia! 😜 It would also be super cool to go somewhere like Florida or California and swim in the ocean. I've always wanted to go to a beach!

Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, why? What color?


Funny you should ask that! Actually, I just recently dyed the ends of my hair a really pretty greenish-blue! (It was called cerulean sea.) As for why . . . I guess just because it is so pretty! I've always wanted mermaid hair, and dying the ends of my hair was the closest thing I could get 😉.


Do you like wearing dresses?


Mmm, depends on the dress. I'm not a fan of long-sleeve dresses that go really long. But I would totally wear a ball-gown. 😎 I also like shorter dresses where the hem brushes my knees.

Do you have any pets?


Yes! I have a cat and a chicken. My kitty is Libberty Belle, and my chicken is Ella 😇. My family also has four dogs, eleven chickens, and a cat 😜.

Have you ever traveled outside your country?


No, but I would absolutely love to!


Favorite thing to snack on while writing?


Probably chocolate! Especially little squares of milk chocolate. Or something like mini-Twix or Kit-Kats *swoons*.

What's a typical outfit for you?


In the winter, I love to wear jeans and a long sweater/cardigan over a T-shirt. In the summer, it's cut-off jean shorts and flowy tank-tops all day long 😂.

Sneakers or flip flops?


Flip flops! Because flip flops equal summer!

Do you have a pet? What's their name?


I have two! I cat named Libby, and a chicken named Ella!


If you could do anything in life, what would it be and why?


Hmm . . . aside from writing? Travel the world with my friends. Be a graphic designer. Have a family. Own a ranch. Marry the man of my dreams. Have a cross-country road trip with my bestie.

What is your favorite color?


A type of bluey-green. It's what I dyed my hair, and the bottle of dye calls it cerulean-sea, so that's what I'm sticking with! 😂

~words etcetera~

[Favorite] Genre to read?

~Sarafini, Kearra, Issabelle

Ahh! I have such a hard time with this question, because I read so many genres. Contemporary, fantasy, medieval, romance, dystopian, historical . . . But if I had to choose one . . . I'm going to have to say either light fantasy or contemporary romances.

What's your favorite book?

~Sarafini, Jen, Analise

Argg, I always have the hardest time with this question!! *ponders* I guess I shall have to go with The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella. are we shocked? 🤣


Best written fiction book or series?

~A. F. Kopp

Agh! Just one? *Pouts* Fine. For best written fiction book . . . I'm gonna have to go with Dearest Josephine by Caroline George! And for series I nominate The Curious Realities Series by Sara Ella! (Even though I've only read the first one. I can't wait to get the second one though!)

Best book characters you’ve read about?

~A. F. Kopp

Hmm . . . Probably either Emma from Fawkes, Alice from *achem* The Wonderland Trials, or Claire from Dust. Yes, I'm terrible at picking only one 🙈🙊. Ooh, or Josie from Dearest Joesphine or Alyssa from The Princess Companion. 😂

What's one book you can read over and over again and never get tired of reading it?


I'm . . . not quite sure! Maybe The Wonderland Trails by Sara Ella? Yeah . . . I'm going to have to go with that one. Or maybe Love and Other Great Expectations by Becky Dean!

If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what book would it be?


Argh! Just one?! What's with the tough questions? 😂 Oof. Probably the Bible.


If you were a fictional character, who would you be?


Ooh, good one! Erm . . . I am most like either Alice or Claire (The Wonderland Trials and Dust). But I'd love to be Tiger Lily (Dust), or Britt (Love and Other Great Expectations).

Personally, I don't like Alice in Wonderland. But I have noticed that you and a lot of others actually do. So, could you tell me what you see in it? Maybe I have been looking at it wrong this whole time XD


Hehe, what I see in Alice? Where do we start? . . .

I guess I've always been a whimsy at heart. I always loved the idea of a place where nothing was impossible and anything I wanted could happen. I love the creative, imaginative story behind it. Yes, I know that nothing that happens in it is really realistic, but c'mon. Neither do the things that happen in most fantasy book.

And, as I've grown older reading Alice, I've realized that that free, creative spirit, that feeling that everything is possible with nothing holding you back . . . that feeling comes from God. Because with Him nothing is impossible. We're talking about a God Who separated the water and created a path through it. Who walked on the waves and saves condemned souls and holds the broken pieces and fulfills His promises to us every day. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the God of the universe, the One Who hung the stars in the sky, Who set the Earth spinning, Who breathed life into a valley of dry bones. If that isn't "impossible turned possible", I don't know what is.

Which of Nadine Brandes' books are your favorites? Have you read Wishtress?


Please don't kill me, but I've only really read Fawkes. But I promise I want to try the Out of Time series soon!

Technically yes, but literally no. 😂 I have finished it; I read the very last page (which was ACK!). But I didn't complete it. It's just not for me, not right now at least 🙃.

Kara [Swanson]'s Dust or Shadow?


Hehe . . . *gulp* Only ever read Dust. 👀


Do you have an auto-buy author? If so, who?


Actually, no. I do not have an auto-buy author. I think that's because not every book and author writes I will read. But, I can say that the next book I am buying without a shadow of a doubt is The Looking-Glass Illusion by Sara Ella!

I saw in your bio that you can speak multiple languages which is super cool! How did you learn those other languages (and as a in-the-process-of-learning-Russian gal if you have any tips on learning that specific language, that would be awesome too!).


Aw, thank you! Ooh, Russian! I started to learn Russian a little but I'm mostly focusing on German at the moment. however, I do have a few tips that helped me learn the few words of Russian that i do know, and the words in German I know!

  1. Writing out the Cyrillic alphabet. I have a page in my foreign languages notebook that has all the letters and the pronunciation under them. It helps when I see a word and need to pronounce what it is.

  2. Listen to other people say the words. This one is another big one for me. If I can, I will look up the words and listen to them. Just hearing the dialect and inflection helps my brain to get a grasp on the words.

  3. Refer to objects with their Russian names. I have gone around the house before and pointed out different objects and said them with their German name (I once went to the ATM with my mom and was like, "Geldautomat!" 😆).

  4. Make flash cards. These help too, when you can get used to seeing a word and recognizing it as it's Russian translation. You can also have someone flash them to you, or pin them to a pin board, or anything like that!

  5. Just keep at it! This is one of the hardest things for me in learning a new language: staying consistent. But, if you can make yourself sit down and do that one Russian lesson, even if it's five minutes long, every single day, it builds really good habits, and strong habits are hard to break.

What's the prettiest book cover you've ever seen?


*Distant sobbing* Just one?! Argggg . . . . . Okay, fine, the Looking-Glass Illusion by Sara Ella (which I helped reveal!)

What tropes do you like?

~Rebekkah, A. F. Kopp,

Hehehe . . . *Rubs hands together* Tropes . . . Enemies to lovers. Friends to enemies to lovers (yes, it's a thing 😂). Found family. Cute Meet. Friends to Lovers. Slow-Burn Romance (is that technically a trope? 👀) Best friends to Lovers. Enemies to friends to lovers. Single parent with cute little kid. Grumpy and Sunshine. Hidden Identity. Amneisa.

~random miscellanea~

What's your favorite season?


Fall! I've just always loved seeing all the colors change and watching the weather slowly changing. But summer is a close second! Gotta love flip-flop weather! 😉

What's your favorite midnight snack to keep on hand?


Ooh, good question! Probably . . . fruit. 😆 I have seriously finished a book in the middle of the night and decided now would be a great time to eat a handful of blueberries! 🤭 Trail mix and small chocolates are always a good idea, too 😉. And I've recently discovered that apples are lovely, as well!

What are three words you would use to describe yourself?


Hmm . . . three words? Author, whimsical, and Hobbit.


Least favorite time of day?


Ooh, what a good question! Herm . . . I guess morning, because it means it's time to wake up and start working 😂. But then again, I do love being up early. Man, I don't know! 🤣 I really think all times of the day are important and lovely, but I guess I'd have to say really, really early in the morning. Like, at four o'clock.

Do you have avocados?


An interesting question! 😂 No, I do not grow them, but I love eating them! 😋

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?


Hmm . . . I would love to live in Missouri, don't ask me why 😂. Or maybe Arkansas. I would also love to live in England for a year or two! mm, California might be fun, too, for a bit. Washington is gorgeous, too!

Would you ever want to move to Europe?


I'll be honest, I would love to live in England for a year! It would be so cool to come back after a year with a British accent and Brit expressions. I can do this. *slides sunglasses on* Jane Austen has prepared me for this. *nod nod*


What is something you really want to do, but have never tried?


Allow me to give you a list:

  1. Use an aerial hoop

  2. Independently publish my own novel

  3. Drink Bubble Tea

  4. Go camping

  5. Run away to the circus (this one is the least likely to happen, just saying 😉)

  6. Go skydiving

  7. Swim in the ocean

  8. Staying up for 24 hours (don't ask me why, but seriously, it'd be fun!)

What's your favorite game?


Ooh . . . Board game is Clue or Apples to Apples; card game is Dutch Blitz or Five Crowns; and a made-up game my sister and I created where we describe a character from a book/movie and we have to guess who it is!

What an unpopular opinion you shall hold to till the day you die?



Abortion is wrong and is murder. I have always believed that and will never stop. Life is a miracle and should not be taken. Ever.

Is there something you enjoy/a hobby you have that we'd be surprised to know?


Ooh, surprised? Hmm . . . I really enjoy watching movie trailers! Don't know why. Maybe because you can literally get the gist of an entire movie in three minutes by watching the trailer 😂. When I walk outside, my chickens bow to me. I'm an editing aficionado, I'm the popcorn and smoothie queen in my house, I would love to pursue a side-career in graphic design, I want to hybrid publish, and a side hobby of mine is using my makeshift trapeze! Other than that . . . I'm going blank.


If you could have one talent that you excelled at and were famous for what would it be?


Writing, or using an aerial hoop!

How late do you stay up every night?



I try to get in bed by no later than nine each night.

BUT . . . . . . . . .

There's no telling how long my siblings and I will stay up talking, so . . . . 🤷‍♀️😆

What are your two favorite things about each season?


Ooh, this is a good one!

Fall: The colors and the drinks!

Spring: The awakening of life, and the sunnnn!!!

Winter: SNOWWW!! And also, the coziness of hot chocolate and a movie 😉

Summer: Sun and swimming!


What is a word/phrase you use a lot (e. g. tally ho, we're all mad here, snickerdoodle, whatchamacallit)?


I love using cheers! I also use blast, blimey, blithering, bleeding, blooming, and all the other British phrases and words 😂. Yes, I'm a Brit at heart. 😎

Who's your favorite historical person?


Hmm . . . favorite historical person? Ehh . . . John Paul Jones, Joseph Plum Martin, or Abigail Adams. Ooh, or Thomas Paine! And George Washington too. And maybe Paul Revere.

If you were forced to time travel and permanently move to one time period, which would it be and why?


I've always loved the medieval time period, so probably then. I just loved the times of knight and ladies and chivalry. It would be so cool to be a pirate during that time period, too 😉.


What is your dream job?


Stay-at-home mommy and author.

What is your dream car?


Herm . . . I would love to have a Subaru Outback (forest green 😉), but I don't think that that would qualify as a dream car. I don't really think I have one . . . Ooh, actually, I do: A 1965 Chevy C-10!

What is your favorite childhood memory?


Hmm . . . probably any and all of the memories where my mom read to me.

What is the first thing you think of when you hear or see the word "stuck"[?]


Peanut butter 😂🥜 I fully blame this on that poem by Shell Silverstein about Peanut butter Sandwiches.


What language would you have liked to know growing up?


Russian! It would be so cool to have grown up already knowing an entirely other alphabet!

What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?


Summersault down our very long hallway! 😂 I used to want to be a gymnast, and rolling down the hallway was the only way I knew how to achieve that goal! 😉

What makes you go absolutely crazy?


When people abbreviate every other word and use improper grammar. 😝 What can I say, I'm an editor at heart!

But those are technically things that drive me crazy. In a sense of something that actually makes me literally crazy, then I'd definitely say too much sugar or caffeine.


Favorite movie?


Ehhh . . . I really love Pride and Prejudice, and Beyond the Mask is really good too. I also grew up watching Little Women (The Winona Ryder Version 😉). Peter Rabbit 2 is also really funny, as well as the first one. But two childhood favorites of mine have always been Pete's Dragon and Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang. 🤭 Ooh, and please add Secret Garden to that list as well! Ooh, ooh, and Alice in Wonderland!!

Favorite gif?


Wow. Uhh . . . I have no idea!

~blogging and newsletters~

What inspired you to start a blog?


Hmm . . . probably all the authors I'd heard talking about how important a platform is for an author. I remember especially a writing webinar I attended last year that talked about growing your platform. It really hit me "hard" and made me start thinking more seriously about blogging and God showed me what to do!

What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?


I hope to encourage young authors and show them that they're not alone. Show them that they can change the world with their stories. They have a story to tell that's just theirs. No one else's.

Any advice for first time bloggers?


Don't give up. It's going to be hard. You're going to be sad when you only have five subscribers (one of which is you 😜). Just keep going. Keep on keeping on. You will flourish and bloom. Just don't ever stop.


What's the biggest thing you've learned from blogging?


The number of followers does not define me. My net worth is not my worth. I've always believed this, but for some reason, it hit a little closer to home with blogging.

What's your favorite part about blogging?

~Issabelle, Jen

Getting to encourage other and talk about things I'm fiercely passionate about! 🥰

What is your favorite blog to binge read?


Ooh, good question! Hmm . . . either Allyson Jamison or Ava Coulter. I also recently discovered and I LOVE it! 🥰 Ooh, and

~song and dance~

Who is your favorite musician/band?


Hmm . . . I've been listening to a lot of Britt Nicole recently, as well as Toby Mac and Anne Wilson, Coby James and Joseph O'Brian, as well as Colton Dixon. XD But I don't think I can pick one! So, I'll say those are my favorite solo artists, and For King and Country/Casting Crowns are my favorite bands!

How would you describe your music taste?


Contemporary Christian is what first comes to mind! So, basically, Christian Artists with a little more of a contemporary fee, not exactly a hymn-like feel, if that makes sense XD. The only thing I don't like is more of electric pop, or rock. 😂

What's your favorite piece [of music] to play?


Hmm . . . I love playing Cannon in D on the piano, and multiple different waltzes on the violin! There's also a song called Sunset that I LOVE doing on the violin while my sister does either the piano or her guitar.


Do you create music?


I have written a few songs before, but they definitely aren't anything worthy of others listening to them 😆.

If so, what's the favorite one you've made?


Probably a song based off of a story idea I have. I called it "Boy Made of Pixie Dust", and is kind of a Peter Pan inspired song.

How long did it take, both to make and play?


Honestly . . . I think it only took me about 20 minutes to come up "Boy Made of Pixie Dust". I haven't played it on any instrument as of now, but that might be fun!

What are a few of your favorite songs?


Gold; Concrete; Heart of Stone; After You; Better; and Lost Get Found by Britt Nicole

Castles; Simple; New Roots; Brand New; Pressure; No Trouble; Paradise; Good News; and Three Years Old by Coby James

I Would Choose You; Anchor; Our Time is Now; Miracles; Build a Boat; and More of You by Colton Dixon

Fighting for Me by Riley Clemmens

Without You; Relate; Love me Like I Am; To The Dreamers; Hold Her; Never Give Up; Broken Halos; and Burn the Ships by For King and Country

And so many others that my brain is blanking at naming 😂 But I do have an entire three page list of favorite songs that I won't make y'all suffer through 😂



Who's your favorite song artist?


Grrrr . . . at the moment it's a toss-up between Britt Nicole, Joseph O'Brian, and Coby James, but come back in a month and it's liable to change. 😂

~faith and Jesus~

How do you feel the Lord has impacted you in your writing and life?

~Kathrynn Braddock, Ava

Wow, this is a great question! Hmm . . . I think that as my relationship with God gets stronger, so does my writing. When I'm actively taking things (even miniscule things like plot points and charrie names) before the Lord, I feel more sure of the choices I make and the stories I write. He has definitely led me to some pretty amazing writing opportunities, hooked me up with amazing critique partners, and built connections with multi-award winning authors. He is constantly opening the doors I need to walk through, and closing the ones I should steer clear of.

In a life sense though . . . I've noticed not as many things intimidate me as much as they used to. As I grow in my walk with Him, I become more confident in who He created me to me. He has made me perfectly, in His own image, and I shouldn't be ashamed of that. And that feeling? That sense of rightness and belonging? That is all from Him.

So how has the Lord impacted me in my writing and life? In ever perfect, beautiful, inspiring, chaotic, amazing way possible.

What has God been teaching you recently?


Hmm . . . what has God been teaching me . . .

That it's okay to feel sad. It's okay to be broken. It's okay to want to cry, or be emotional, or just want to scream. Because He is there for me. In my lowest points, He will lift me up. When I need to cry, He will be a shoulder for me to lean on. When I'm feeling broken, and sad, and lonely . . . He will heal the broken part. He sees the sparrow fall, so I know He will catch me. I just have to trust Him enough to fall.

Which Scripture do you read when you're stressed/anxious?


What a good question! I find a lot of comfort in the first couple of Psalms and 23 in particular. I also love to read Hebrews, and 1st John.


What are verses that have gotten you through some hard times? What about books?


For verses . . . "God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved" (Psalm 46:5); 2 Timothy 1:17; and Psalms 4:8.

As for books . . . The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella. I read it during a time I was separated from my mom and sister, and it helped me with that (I have family separation anxiety). And, of course, the Bible.

How has the gospel changed your life?


Mmm, this is such a good question! I would have to say . . . in showing me I'm not alone. there was a time when I had no friends. Like, zero. And that was such a hard time for me, because all I wanted was to have someone I could talk to, giggle with, confide in. And I learned that I did. In my sister. In my mom. In my brother. And in God. He showed me through His word that He is the ultimate Best Friend, that He will never leave or forsake me.

~publishing and writing~

I want to self publish my book eventually because I don't want to go through the process of submitting part of my work and getting an agent. How can I get my book once It's self-published in book stores like Barnes and Noble and other places where It will be likely for more people to find it, other than Amazon? Thanks!

~Sophie Kate

This is a great question, Sophie! I have heard a lot of people say that when you Indie (self-publish) Publish, you can't get books on the shelves of big sellers and libraries. But this is simply not true! I was recently published in a short story collection (Seize the Love), and it is actually available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and you can request it at your library too! It all depends on who you use to print your copies. Books printed by KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) will only get sold on Amazon because Amazon owns KDP and . . . doesn't exactly play nice with other sellers. But, I have heard the as well as are great places to use and get your books in big sellers! I hope that helps, Sophie! I hope you have great success on your publishing journey! <3

What got you into writing?

~A. F. Kopp

Actually, I have my sister to blame *achem* thank for this. She started writing and wantedf to join a writing camp that sounded like a lot of fun (The King's Daughters' Writing Camp, or KDWC) and I could not be left in the dust! 😂 So, like the supportive little copy-cat sister I am, I joined up too. And now, several years later, here I am!


What is the biggest misconception people have about being a writer?

~A. F. Kopp

Ooh, this is a good one! I think that everyone would answer this differently, but I think that the biggest misconception people have about being a writer is that it's all glamorous. It's full of lights and red carpets and literary agents knocking on your doors to publish you. It's full of book tours, signings, being interviewed, Instagram-worthy coffee-shop writing dates, and fame. But . . . it's not. There's also the staying up till midnight to finish a book on a deadline. Crying in the bathroom when you are certain your story isn't worth the ink it takes to write it. Rejections from agents, publishers, even readers. The one-star reviews, the feeling of you not being good enough, the less-than-ideal writing time squeezed in between school/parenting/work/chores/etc. Writing is not glamorous. In fact, it can be downright lonely. But that is the time when we rise up. When we face everything head-on. When you decide that you are doing this, and not for people, or agents, or publishers, but for God. When He becomes the center of your writing, the very reason you pick up a pen and scribble away late into the night, that is when we are at our best, even when we're out of coffee and the tea is now ice cold. When we shine through our reconstruction of 26 letters, that's when we're the real celebrities. Because it is all for Him. And He makes it beautiful.

What authors do you get inspiration from?

~A. F. Kopp

Good question! I get inspiration from lots of authors, depending on the mood I'm in. But the top two people who inspire me to pick up a pen and write are Nadine Brandes, author of Fawkes, Romanov, and The Out of Time Series, and Sara Ella, author of Coral, The Unblemished Trilogy, and The Curious Realities Duology. I also have to say M. L. Milligan. She is such an amazing author, and I have been blessed with the ability to read some of her current WIP (Also known as Project VOLT & CO) and she always, without fail, makes me want to be a better writer.

Writing/reading pet peeves?

~A. F. Kopp

Reading: When the covers of a series don't match up it drives me nuts. I am talking salty, gritty, peanutty NUTS. 😆 Punctuation!! It also drives me nuts when the punctuation is off 😂. What can I say, my mom taught me good! 😉

Writing: Mm . . . Grammar. 😆 That's all I can think of . . . or maybe when ellipses aren't spaced out properly? Although that might go under reading . . .

What made you start writing? And how old were you?

~Jen Rose

My sister! (As I mentioned above) But . . . I was around 10. I think that sort of gives me a bit of an advantage over other authors, because a lot of them decided to be authors when they were in their mid-teens, and I got a head start 😜.

What's your favorite WIP or finished story that you've written?

~Jen Rose

A story I'm calling Project Sparrow is probably my favorite WIP! And out of my finished stories . . . Project Wonderland! I also really like my medieval Novella I just finished rewriting (eeh!)


Do you have a favorite character from one of your stories?

~Jen Rose

Probably a girl named Aidan Elizabeth from a Peter Pan story. I think she's my favorite because she is so much like me. </3 I also absolutely adore Tessa from my current story that I'm working on!

What are your favorite elements of a really good writing session? Candles? Music?


Ooh, this is such a good question! Mmm . . . probably music, yes, and a cup of nice tea! And yes, candles too! I love those things! I also love having a room to myself to write in, but that doesn't always happen. 😊

What's your #1 writing tip?


Your first drafts do not define you, so don't be afraid to not have them perfect!

Why do you write?


Because my ability to weave stories comes directly from God, and I want to glorify Him in everything I do. Writing is a way to express my passions and loves, and I couldn't ever imagine not doing it.


What’s your biggest dreams, and how are you trying to achieve it?


My biggest dream is to be published by Enclave publishing. They've been my dream publisher ever since I decided I wanted to publish. I'm working towards achieving that by just writing. trying to find my souls-story, my heart project.

What do you love most about your current WIP?


My characters and the romance. I'll admit it: I'm a terrible romantic, and this love story

What do you do when you're creatively drained?


I do something to refill my creative well. For me, that's making a cup of coffee or tea and sitting out back in the sun reading or listening to music that inspires me. I also love listening to/watching lessons/past webinars that Nadine and Sara do. Basically, I take my mind off it and do something that replenishes my soul.


How many times have you been published?


Twice in anthologies—The Understudy in the Seize the Love anthology, and On the Wings of Hope in the Hope collection. I've never published a novel, though—although I hope to some day!

What is your current WIP?


Right now, I'm working on content edits for a medieval story and that's taking up most of my time, but I'm also working on brainstorming a stroy that has to do with Color being illegal, and another summer contemporary about a girl who does everything "Int he name of book research".

What is your favorite Pinterest pin?


I have lots of favorite pins. Boards and boards of pins. But here's a small collection of some of my favorite pins from a few of my WIPs!

How old were you when you started writing?


I've been writing since I was five years old, but only decided I wanted to do it as a career when I was 10.

What is your favorite piece of work that you have written?


Probably the first few chapters of a Peter Pan retelling. Or maybe my NaNo project last year, which waws an Alice retelling! Ooh, or my summer story I'm writing right now.

What's the inspiration behind your current wip?


I once heard someone say that out of every story you write, one will be the one. The one that tugs on your heartstrings. The one that screams "This is it!" The one that you have poured sweat and tears into. And I wanted to have a story like that.


Have you ever written a story based on a song?


I hope to! There's a song I love called "Drops in the Ocean" by Hawk Nelson that I have a story idea off of, but I have yet to write it.

How would you describe your writing process?

~Ellie R.

"There appears to have been a struggle" 😂

Honestly, it's all over the place. I don't have one single way I write. All I know is it's crazy!

What is your absolute favorite genre to write and why?


Fantasy. I love creating new worlds. I love being able to make the impossible happen. There are no limits in fantasy. It goes as far as your imagination can reach.

What has been the single greatest influence in your writing journey, good or bad?


Wow, what a great question! Hmm. I think for bad I'd have to say the fear of my writing not being good enough. Sometimes, yes, it can push me to be a better writer, but half the time . . . it just makes me insecure about the words I put on paper.

For good . . . I'd honestly would have to say my mother. She is always so encouraging, and helps me when I'm stuck, or if I'm worried my romance is progressing too slowly. She helps me brainstorm around those pesky plot holes, and listens to me when I dump all of my notes from webinars on her. She is always there, standing beside me, and letting me know she believes in me. <3

What first sparked your love for writing, and who/what encouraged you along the way?

~Ellie B.

Definitely my sister. She is the reason I started writing. as for encouraging me . . . Again, my sister, and also my mother. She is always such a huge encouragement to me no matter what. She is always there for me when I need to talk over a plot point that giving me grief or when my story has utterly escaped from my grasp.

Do you ever have any writing doubts and if so, how do you handle them?


Always. Doubts are just a part of life. Usually, mine come in the form of, "Will I ever be good enough?" and "Does this book even make sense?" When that happens, I step away. Put down my pen. And do something that makes me happy. That could be reading a book with a cup of tea, chatting with a friend, pouring out my writerly woes to my mom, writing in my journal, or going on a walk. Then, another day, I come back to it, pick back up my pen, tell myself, "I can do this," and start writing again.

~food and drink~

Favorite food?


Ever since I was little, I would choose pene rustika. And I still would say that that's a favorite, but I'd also say homemade pizza is really up there too. Along with Burgers and Fries. Ooh, and margarita pizza! And . . . smoothies count, right? 😂

Best dessert ever?


Either lemon cake, or mint chocolate ice-cream pie! 😋

Favorite thing to snack on while writing?


Probably chocolate! Especially little squares of milk chocolate. Or something like mini-Twix or Kit-Kats *swoons*.


What is your favorite kind of smoothie?


Either chocolate or strawberry banana!

Could you please share a recipe of your fav smoothie?


Sure thing!

Strawberry Banana

1 c. Strawberries

1 1/2 frozen bananas

1-2 c. water

A dash of lemon juice About 1-3 tsps. of sweetener of your choice

Dump them all in a blender, turn it on, and viola! Strawberry banana smoothie!

How do you take your tea?


Honestly . . . iced 😂 I usually forget about my tea anyway, and when I go to get it it's cold, so I just help it along. But, on the occasion I remember that I made it, piping hot, if you please.


If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Margarita pizza! 😋 Even though I would wind up with the worst case of acne this side of the Amazon river. Okay, maybe I'll choose smoothies instead. There are more flavors, anyway. 😉

What's your favorite thing to drink?


TEA!!! I'm a nut when it comes to tea. I brew at least two cups a day, and usually drink around three (don't ask me how this even works, I have no idea 😂). But I will occasionally treat myself to a mocha 😉.

Favorite ice cream flavor?

~Pearl, Kearra

Mint chocolate chip!

Whew, y'all! I know that was a lot, and I don't blame any of ya for skipping around. 😜 It was so much fun answering all these questions, though! Thank you all so much for submitting them!

Were any of you surprised at my answers? Did you call any of them? What's your favorite ice cream flavor (just for fun ;))? What was your favorite question? What was your favorite ANSWER? I'd really love to know! <3


10 commentaires

02 juil. 2023

I can't believe I just now got around to reading this post!!! You're so sweet, girl! I'm honored to be a binge worthy blog! 🤗💙 I love your blog too! It truly is amazing and I think you'll go far with it. 🥰 This was such a fun post, girl! I loved reading your answers!!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
03 juil. 2023
En réponse à

Ah, no problem, girl! Aw, thank you so much! 😭 *sniffles* That means SO much to me!! 🤗💙 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3


Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry
08 juin 2023

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Deigan!!! I LOVED reading all the answers!!! I am 100% with you on abortion being wrong and murder! Beyond the Mask and Pride and Prejudice are some of my favorite movies as well!!! *high fives* I feel you with how hard it is to pick just one book cover when there are SO many beautiful ones, but you had a good choice!!! I have yet to read either of the books in the Wonderland Trials series but they look SOO good and the covers ARE gorgeous!!! And thank you so much for those tips on learning other languages!! I am definitely going to be implementing them!!!!! This was such a great post!!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
09 juin 2023
En réponse à

Aw, you are welcome! It was a blast! 🥰 Yesss, Pro Life forever. *high fives you* Ahhh, you're making me want to have a movie day and binge-watch Pride and Prejudice and Beyond the Mask! *sobs dramatically* Aw, thank you!!! ISSABELLE, READ THEM IMMEDIATELY!!!! They are AMAZING and so lovely!!! I got the honour of reading an E-ARC copy of The Looking-Glass Illusion and oh my. 😶 It is brilliant. Aw, you're welcome! I'm so glad you found them useful!! 🤗 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3


29 mai 2023

This was so fun XD! I am very passionate about your unpopular opinion, too. Have you ever heard of Lila Rose? She is a Christian activist who is huge in putting a stop to you-know-what.

This was so awesome and all the pictures are so beautiful! :D

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
30 mai 2023
En réponse à

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3 Oh, no I haven't, but now I want to look into her. Thank you for telling me about her!

Aw, thanks! I'm so glad you liked it! :)


Saraina Whitney
Saraina Whitney
26 mai 2023

This is so epic!!! I'm rather fascinated by movie trailers too - it's just so cool how they can capture the feel of the entire movie in just a few minutes. (*whispers* And it's funny to laugh at really predictable and cheesy movie trailers *laughter*) I wanted to be a gymnast too, when I was younger. *high fives* Also, I've heard so much about bubble tea and I want to try it so bad!!! So that's on my bucket list too XDD

Thank you for spending the time to answer all our questions; this really was so fun to read!! :D <333

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
26 mai 2023
En réponse à

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Saraina! 💛 Yes, that's exactly how I feel! (*giggles* that too!) Right? It just always seemed like such a fun career! 😍 *high fives back* Me too!!!! I thought I was the only one who has never tried it! 🤣

Aw, you're so welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun. 🥰 <3


Ava Coulter
Ava Coulter
26 mai 2023

Ahh I loved reading your answers! (I 100% completely agree with you unpopular opinion, btw) Iced tea is the best! And, girl, you NEED to read Shadow!! <333

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
26 mai 2023
En réponse à

Aw, I'm so, so glad that you enjoyed it! (*hug* Pro-Life forever, girl <333) Yessss, it's so lovely 🥰 Aah, I know! I really, really need to!

Image by Matias North
Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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