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A Threat and a Promise

Title: A Threat and a Promise

Author: Angie Thompson

Genre: Victorian era Kingdom Adventure

My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


What will it take to move beyond her mission?

Jaelyn Rolfe has grown up with a singular purpose: to end the reign of a brutal dictator and rid the world of her father's terrible legacy. But victory comes with a price, and she soon finds her role in the plot spawning consequences no one anticipated.

Caught unexpectedly between her training and her heart, will Jaelyn find the strength to chart a new course? Can a girl so skilled at deception ever truly earn trust? And when a sudden blow threatens her hard-won triumph, will everything she's fought for be lost forever?

This book... *wooshes breath* Y'all, hold onto your hearts.

Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jaelyn is determined to end the monster that killed her father's reign of terror. She soon starts to have feelings for the very person who imprisoned her. And now that she has gotten victory, her heart is having a hard time learning to trust.

The scraping of the key in that lock was far from my first clue that a guard was approaching, but I lifted my head slowly, as though roused from a doze ~A Threat and a Promise, Angie Thompson


- Jaelyn - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Oh, poor Jaelyn! This poor girl's heart is aching and making mine shatter along with it. She is so strong, which I love in a female character, but she still is a woman—Which I also love.

- Loegan - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My baby!! He is Jaelyn's twin brother, and lemme tell ya—you can tell. He is just the sweetest boy ever, so caring, and thoughtful, and just so amazing.

- Nicklaus - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NICKI!! Ah, this kid... he is so trusting, and so hurt, and broken, and UGH! If he isn't the best man in the world, I don't know who is.

- Emmalie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This poor little thing... Emmalie is just so brave. So smart. So kind. She always puts others before herself. I wish I could just wrap her up in a hug!

- All the people they're travelling with - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Every single one of these people I wish were my family.

Romance: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I really appreciated the romance in this book. It wasn't really heavy, and it was just super sweet. I felt like it did was a little unexpected—like, you knew (*spoiler* Nicklaus and Jaelyn *end spoiler*) were in love with each other, but I felt like it went from "I like him" to "I can't spend my days without him". That being said, I still thought the romance was the purest form there could be.

Content Warnings: Mentions of several wounds, a certain someone, (*spoiler* Jaelyn *end spoiler*), does blow up something, and there are several times when people are wounded, and the MC sees them. (*spoiler* Jaelyn and Nicklaus *end spoiler*) ride together on the same horse, and they hug a few times.

Age Range: 10+.

My Thoughts: If this book isn't on your TBR right now, THEN GO PUT IT ON! Angie did a terrific job with this book. The characters are the sweetest, the plot is to die for, the romance... *chef's kiss*.

"Where can I get this awesome book?":

Great question! *grins*

So go dd it to your Goodreads! (If you haven't already, of course 😉) ->A Threat and a Promise (Quiet Valor, #1) by Angie Thompson | Goodreads <-

Then go buy it! (Or maybe do that first...) -> A Threat and a Promise (Quiet Valor, #1) by Angie Thompson <-

Then go check out Angie's website, where she has all of her other (toatally awesome and amazing) books! -> Quiet Waters Press <-

That's all for today, folks!




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