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9 Spring Morning Habits for Writers

Hi, friends! Today I have a little bit of a different post for you (you can thank too much caffeine and my nine o'clock brain for this one 🤣). But nonetheless, here I am, and I can't wait to get into it.

I'm sure you've heard the saying about first impressions. Yeah, me too. Multiple times. And mornings are like your first impression of a day. Starting off on the right (or wrong) can set up that day, for better or for worse. So, here's a few of my morning habits that help me set up my day!


This may seem like an odd tip, even for writers, but just hear me out: making my bed resets my entire day. For some reason, it is so hard to get into a really good morning mood if my blankets are strewn across the floor and my sheets are all twisted up. If you write at your bed, at your desk in your room, or any other space in the same vicinity as your sleeping quarters, your brain can become clogged up by the sole fact that your bed is messy. Our brains like clean spaces and tidy areas. So, straighten up your comforter. Rearrange those 37 different pillows (hehe, guilty 👀). Your right-side brain will thank you. 😉


This . . . is one I need to do better on. Our body needs water to function. It needs it to keep everything running smoothly and without and hiccups. I am very guilty of not drinking enough water during the day, then getting a headache about mid-afternoon and having to overcompensate for my lack of thought for my body. Drink water. I keep a blue thermos next to my bed for during the night. I have a small pint on the kitchen counter for when I pass through. Sometimes I even tote around a water bottle with me wherever I go. Don't neglect this step like I do. Just don't.

PRO TIP: You can add a splash of lemon to your water for a little more energy and rejuvenation or toss some frozen pineapple/strawberry into the water too (the combination is excellent). Just make sure not to add sugar. 😉


Spending time in God's Word is one of my absolute favorite ways to set myself up for success first thing in the morning. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is. God wants to be a part of our life. He wants to be the one you lean in, even when it comes to writing. If you haven't yet, I would strongly encourage you to invite Him into your writing. I did this a few years back and have seen such great improvements in my writing and my creativity.

Pray for the words to use. Pray for the story to tell. Pray that you would honor Him through your writing.



Another thing that is absolutely brilliant to do in the mornings that I . . . rarely ever do. *cough* It gets your body moving and your blood pumping. And by doing that first thing in the morning by a quick workout routine or a few simple stretches, it fills up your well, both physically and mentally.

I absolutely love Jessica Valant Pilates for most of my workouts, and she has some really short ones that are great for first thing in the morning. These are a few of my favorites of hers:


Whether this be brainstorming, writing a few sentences, or finding face claims for my character, I love to try and touch my story every morning. Some days it just isn't practical, but when I can, I do.

Some of the ways I do this is by rereading notes I've taken previously and adding to them; filling out a few questions of a character interview; talking to a sibling/parent about an idea I had; or even writing a little bit of it. It will almost always trigger my brain into thinking about the story, so I end up getting lots of story ideas later on in the day too. 😉


Yes, technically this could go with the "Making your bed" part, but c'mon. It deserves a section of its own. 😉

As soon after I wake up as I can, I completely clean up my room. I put dirty laundry in the hamper. I open up the curtains. I clear off my desk and rearrange it. Lately, I've also been turning on an essential oil diffuser on my desk for an hour or two in the morning.

The act of cleaning up your workspace helps clear your brain too. I, for one, can't work at a messy desk. Putting away all my loose papers, etc. helps my brain declutter as well, and it makes it ready for work. I know a lot of people will disagree with me and say, "But if we work best with clutter, we should pile it up!"

Don't. Just, please don't. Take a moment to straighten everything out, even if that just constitutes dumping everything in your junk drawer (c'mon, I know you have one! Don't try and deny it!).



How many of you saw this one coming? *smirks and sips some tea*

But my apparent tea-addiction aside, tea has some AMAZING health benefits for you. There are so many different blends out there to wake you up, calm you down, give you energy, setting nerves to rest. Even if you're not much of a tea drinker, I would still encourage you to find a brew you like. No, I'm not hating on coffee—I love that stuff too! But sometimes, just a nice cup of warm green tea in the morning is all I need to give me energy and prepare me for my day.


Seriously, guys. THIS ONE IS SO IMPORTANT. As soon as you can after waking up, GO OUTSIDE. Get sun in your eyes. Water your garden. Read your Bible and drink some tea.

Getting at least five minutes of morning sun in your eyes every day is so, so important. It resets your circadian rhythm and actually helps you sleep better at night. And, while you're out there, embrace your inner-hobbit and take off your socks. Stand in the grass for a few minutes barefoot to get grounded and let all the electrical charges in you even out. I understand if some of you can't get outside because x, y, or z, but in that case, stand by an open window and get some air while you're at it.


I'm one of those people that if I got for more than a few hours without food, I get all shaky and sick and develop a migraine. So, I try to at least grab a quick, healthy snack before getting to work. For me, that includes a fruit smoothie; a piece of two of toast (with either peanut butter, avocado, or banana on top); some sort of fruit; a quick turkey roll-up (because turkey + Dubliner cheese + yeast = AMAZING); or something else quick and small.

Don't overlook this step. Don't get so wrapped up in work/writing/what have you that you forget to take care of yourself. Your health and well-being comes before any other pressing deadline or looming to-do list. Your body is your temple. So, take care of it. <3


Well, that's it for today, y'all. I hope you enjoyed it and got something helpful out of it!

What was your favorite idea? Is there one you think I should've added? What's one you didn't see coming? What's your favorite flavor of tea, or are you a coffee kinda person? I'd love to know!



May 24, 2023

I especially loved #3. I think we can too often forget the power of seeking His help in all things that we do.

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
May 24, 2023
Replying to

Yes, I love that one too! So, so true. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading! <3


Lela Young
Lela Young
May 22, 2023

oh my gosh, I'm using every one of these as of tomorrow morning.

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
May 23, 2023
Replying to

Aw, thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it! <3


EmmaRae King
EmmaRae King
May 20, 2023

Absolutely agree!! Every single one of these is such a great idea. I just this week have felt convicted to work on my morning routine to help me connect with God and really start my day off healthy, so I’m about to take this routine and run with it😍

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
May 22, 2023
Replying to

Aw, I'm so glad it was helpful!! Yes, take it and run! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3


May 20, 2023

I love all these ideas! I have been trying for years to get up early, but I can't seem to force myself. I'm finally going to try! *sips tea*

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
May 22, 2023
Replying to

Thank you! Good for you--I'm rooting for you! *raises tea cup in the air*


Ava Coulter
Ava Coulter
May 19, 2023

*bookmarks this post* Girl, how do you have such perfect timing?? I was literally just thinking that I need a better morning routine (I can be the worst morning person ever XD), and these tips are so awesome. I especially love the Pilates links. You have officially got me excited about waking up earlier. I needed this post. Thank you for sharing! ❤️

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
May 22, 2023
Replying to

XD Aw, yay! I'm so glad this helps you! *hugs* Aw, thank you!! Hehe, you're so welcome! <3

Image by Matias North
Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm a teen writer from western USA with a passion for words. When I'm not talking to myself in a British accent, I'm snuggling with my cat, drinking tea, or dancing in the kitchen. Welcome to the blog, and I hope you stick around! 

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