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30 Random Prompts for Fiction Writers Tag Challenge!

Hey y'all! Here are 30 completely random prompts that I’ve made up to get you working on another idea! 😄

  1. The guitar strings snapped, and so did my heart.

  2. “Excuse me, sir. How much are dreams again?”

  3. “Oh, great. Who let the assassin out?”

  4. Take a classic, flip the gender of everybody, and write a story based off of that.

  5. “Do you remember when Mom died?”

  6. “You’re a psychopath!” “And you’re a murderer—there isn’t really much difference, is there?”

  7. Write a fanfic set in your favorite story world.

  8. “Agh. Jumping through mirrors is becoming a habit.”

  9. Take a character from either Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There and write a story from their perspective.

  10. Write a story about a girl with wings, a boy with hate, and a summer they’ll never forget.

  11. Gingham and polka Dots (Yup. That’s it 😜).

  12. Two girls are locked in a magical bookstore overnight.

  13. Take an event from history and jump it either forward or backward one hundred years.

  14. The wind-up clock never stopped ticking—even when the wind ran out.

  15. Dark alleys. Pouring rain. Bloodcurdling cries. And an un-wavered thirteen-year-old walking straight through them.

  16. I’d break my heart to heal yours.

  17. Take Merriam Webster’s Dictionary word-of-the-day and write a story based off of that.

  18. My heart broke the second I saw his face.

  19. Why me? It was always me!

  20. How could I trust the person who murdered my whole family?

  21. A girl cries blue tears and the only person who can fix her bleeds black blood.

  22. The stars dropped one-by-one out of the sky.

  23. The blanket reminded me of everything I lost.

  24. How many times would I relive this nightmare?

  25. Every time glass shatters, I start bleeding.

  26. Derek was so dead.

  27. A land of misfits, and I was their savior?

  28. Run. Anywhere. Just run.

  29. I was a ballerina in a glass dome.

  30. “Don’t you dare say you understand me. The only person that ever could understand me is dead—because of you.”

...AND it's a tag challenge!

Yup! My very first tag challenge! I'm so excited about this 😃. Here are the rules:

  1. Try to come up with 30 (original!) prompts! (Pinterest can help with inspiration, but don't knowingly copy existing prompts.)

  2. Put rules at the top of the post

  3. Link back to original post (that's this!)

  4. Tag people! (No less than two bloggers!)

Here are my tags:



P.S.: If you weren't tagged, but would like to participate, please do so! The rules still apply 😉

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4 則留言


Ooo these prompts are so cool!!!

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie

Thank you, Saraina!



Ooh, fun fun! I especially love that one, "“Oh, great. Who let the assassin out?”"🤣 Challenge accepted, I shall now endeavor to come up with 30 prompts. 😁_Mac

Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie

Glad you liked it! 😁 You got this!!

Image by Matias North
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